The SmartCamber tool allows you to accurately measure camber and caster over a wide variety of wheel/tire combinations. Utilizing repeatable digital technology, the tool allows precise measuring regardless of where the vehicle is or what angled surface it is on. There is no misinterpretation with this tool because there are no bubbles or lines to subjectively read. The SmartCamber tool takes all of the guesswork out of camber and caster measuring.
Fast, simple, and accurate.
Easy to read digital inclinometer display measures to 0.1”.
The universal design is easily used with any wheel type, and diameters ranging from 3” to 22”
No need to remove hub caps, lug nuts or jack the car off the ground. This design is held in place by hand or clipped to the wheel.
With this Hands-Free Adapter, it allows the gauge to be attached to the wheel so as you are making camber angle changes you can see them happening instead of putting your tools down and holding the gauge to the wheel, again and again.
Works equally well on level or non-level surfaces
Two tools in one, the SmartLevel module can be quickly removed to measure other things on the car, in the shop, or at home.
Widely used by Pro-Level Teams and enthusiasts, repair shops, educational institutions throughout the world
Our intention is you are keeping this tool for a lifetime, so we offer every part a la cart also. A Smart Racing Tool will never be antiquated.
Designed in California and made in Michigan, USA.